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Thinking Outside the Box: Handler Self-Care, Part Two

Leah Lykos

Thinking Outside the Box: Handler Self-Care, Part Two
When we are feeling stressed, we are much more likely to become "activated" by our emotional baggage, which usually means: not acting as our best selves but instead re-enacting old patterns (surviving, not thriving).

A Positive Feedback Loop

A Positive Feedback Loop
The first step is always to observe what's happening with your dog. Take the time to look at what is actually going on: their body language, their state of "mind." After you've reflected on your observations, maybe even written them down, it's time to acknowledge and accept what's going on.

Crates and Kennels

Leah Lykos

Crates and Kennels

Every dog needs a den! In our opinion, giving your dog a den is doing them a necessary kindness. These crates will give your dog a place to chill, decompress, and restore balance to their nervous system. It also keeps young puppies safe and out of trouble. If you need help crate-training your puppy, you can start with this article or contact us. And here are the recommendations for crates that we have for you:   We personally use and recommend Gunner Kennels. If you want help sizing your Gunner, please ask us for help, we own the intermediate and large. Gunner Kennels G1 Intermediate...

Am I a Dog “Trainer”?

Leah Lykos

Tags Canine Core Method, dog training, dogs, Holistic Dog Training

Am I a Dog “Trainer”?
I always hesitate to call myself a dog "trainer." What's that all about? Well, it's my gut feeling that dogs don't really need training, what they need is relationship. Once the dog has a strong relationship with his human counterpart, the training isn't really training at all, it's teamwork! See, dogs naturally want to please us, be in connection with us, and work in sync with us. It's selfish and self-less all at the same time. When we do well, they do well and vice-versa (the whole hunting thing). 

Handler Self-Care Part One: Your Oxygen Mask

Handler Self-Care Part One: Your Oxygen Mask

We all know the drill: you put on your own oxygen mask first, THEN you help others. But this doesn't just hold true in emergencies, we need to make this a practice in every day life! I've noticed that when I let myself get super stressed and run down, I'm not a very good caretaker to my animals. I end up walking around like a zombie and don't have energy to give them the time, attention, and exercise they deserve. So let's do something about that! Taking time for yourself should be a daily practice. Today I took time for...