Of course it's normal to get irritated, frustrated, or even feel disappointment when we work with our dogs. Dogs do not speak our language, so it can be frustrating trying to communicate with them. In addition to this, I would say MOST dogs have some quirky behavioral issue that gets on their owner's nerves. Some dogs even have severe emotional traumas that cause them to be fearful, reactive, and even aggressive. The question I want you ask you, is: Can you love your dog exactly the way he is, RIGHT NOW?

Can you love your dog with all his flaws, fears, and reactivity? Can you love and accept your dog without trying to change him? This is called unconditional love. This is called: Being in the present moment and accepting what is.

If you hesitate to answer "yes" to these questions, the root of your resistance might be based in your ability to fully love and accept yourself.
Your dog is your mirror! Therefore, your relationship with your dog is a reflection of your relationship with yourself.

If you need further help exploring this topic, you might want to do "the work" on all the things you dislike about your dog. Or all the things you want to change. Remember, what you resist, persists. The first step to changing this is awareness, the second step is full acceptance. I used to use this worksheet all the time and I found it SO helpful: Judge Your Neighbor Worksheet.