Our Training Methods and Philosophy on Dogs

- A positive approach to Drive-Training (no e-collars or harsh corrections)
- We use the primal instincts built into the canine mind to channel his drive to the owner.
- Emotional and physical wellness through attention to the WHOLE dog: His nervous system, physical health, mental health, etc. (see Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges)
- Movement-Based Training: Behavior is movement, and a dog’s movement is dictated by his drive, therefore, if we engage their drive, we can modify their behavior.
- Relationship-Based Training: The owner is the answer to any stress the dog is facing
- Play-Based Training for human and dog: The dog WINS the prey with the owner.
- The dog feels in control of his surroundings which makes him feel good.
- We increase your dog’s emotional capacity so he can remain UNDER threshold in high-pressure situations.
The foundational exercises of our training also serve as somatic therapy for dogs with reactivity issues (see Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing)